Leap2Life4Longevity! Live Life Long, Alive & Vibrant t. (250) 896.0076 e. annik.moyal.waldman@shaw.ca FB. Leap2Life4Longevity/ annik moyal-waldman, m.ed., is an engaging, inspiring and dynamic facilitator with 15+ years of professional experience. Her mission at Leap2Life4Longevity! is to offer a bevy of wellness education and coaching services to assist YOU in Living Life Long, Vibrant & Alive!! With extensive knowledge, experience and YOUR best insurance for radiant health, graceful aging and longevity at heart, Annik’s holistic health services include: Journeys of Self-Discovery transformational packages for ripe, juicy women; blissfully healing intuitive dance classes; one-on-one wellness coaching; Magical Sacred Tours & Women’s Retreats world-wide, PLUS innovative, cutting-edge technologies that renew, repair and rejuvenate your cells. Connect with Annik to learn how you can get started in your journey towards wellness!